Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sunday, 6/19/11: "A Welcome Silence"


Verlyn Klinkenborg likes to wear orange plastic earmuffs. Sometimes Verlyn Klinkenborg forgets to take off his orange plastic earmuffs. Verlyn Klinkenborg might be wearing his orange plastic earmuffs right now!

1 comment:

aristata said...

Hey Frankie,

Not sure how I got to your blog or what to make of it.

I'm a long-time fan of VK, one of my favorite writers, and someone I can related to easily given my rural mode of life.

This particular article of his resonated with me because I often wear ear protection when in my shop, operating a chain saw, the big weed trimmer, etc., and often I will keep them on, entering a different reality, of sorts, after the noisy work is complete.

Your trite little summaries seem to be mocking him. Is that your intent? I would love to read fair commentary about his articles, but, as far as this blog goes I will only revisit it out of a curiosity as to whether or not you leave my comment.

Your comment is welcome. Thanks,

non-native resident of rural Idaho