Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday, 6/6/10: "Early and Back Home"

Verlyn Klinkenborg is back on his farm! It is very early. He listens to the birds, prunes his Parrotia persica, notices a missing piston-shaft on his mower, and looks at a fencing catalog.

Welcome back, Verlyn! We missed you!


Susan Scheid (Raining Acorns) said...

And welcome back, Frankie--so glad to see this VK summary!

40for60 said...

I wouldn't say we missed VK -- a little of his overblown prose goes a long way, but this blog is excellent.

My favorite VK-ism is to take a mundane task and describe it in painstaking detail so that it becomes akin to building the pyramids. Most of the tasks he describes probably took longer for him to write about than it would for him to actually attend to. Perhaps why that is the reason he has an "endless list" of tasks, that and his travel.